Accelerate your cloud initiatives utilizing best-in-class technologies. 
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Strategy, Assessment & Roadmap

A move to the cloud is far from just a technology exercise. It needs to be rooted in business outcomes—specific objectives the company wants to achieve.

Cloud Transformation & Migration

This typically involves modernizing existing applications for the cloud, developing new cloud-native applications, and transforming the architecture and infrastructure. The goal is to create an entirely new technology operating model and culture that enables you to innovate more quickly, effectively and efficiently. Automated management and migration tools are critical to executing a smooth migration, and help to speed the move, with high quality, consistency and repeatability. We offer a combination of tools, specialized skills and solution accelerators, in a cloud migration factory that can accelerate your journey. The Cloud migration factory is strengthened by a governance model.

Cloud Management & Optimization

You need to continually work to optimize what’s in the cloud to maximize its cloud investments. A wide range of managed services are available to help with cloud optimization.